with Marksman Firearm Academy.
READ MOREEducate, Train, Shoot, and Repeat
An exemplary training center for new and experienced shooters offering NRA firearm course certificates.
with Marksman Firearm Academy.
READ MOREEducate, Train, Shoot, and Repeat
An exemplary training center for new and experienced shooters offering NRA firearm course certificates.
with Marksman Firearm Academy.
READ MOREEducate, Train, Shoot, and Repeat
An exemplary training center for new and experienced shooters offering NRA firearm course certificates.
CONTACT USNRA firearm training courses
Add confidence in your shooting skills with NRA training courses at Marksman Firearm Academy. The NRA Basic Pistol Shooting course will teach you the basic skills, knowledge and attitude for the proper, safe and ethical use of a firearm. This course is designed for new and experienced shooters and is exceptional in teaching new shooters to become comfortable with using a firearm for the first time. Experienced shooters will be able to refresh their knowledge on safe gun practices and enhance their marksmanship abilities through continued training. Marksman Firearm Academy uses a simplified yet effective approach and teaching method that caters to law-abiding citizens who want to become proficient with a firearm for recreational shooting as well as personal defense.

As the gun laws of the State of South Carolina are being rewritten and revised, it is a must as a responsible gun owner to have a working knowledge and understanding of these laws and how they affect you and your rights as a gun owner. The SC SLED Concealed Weapons Permit Course is far more than a gun class that gives you a permit to carry. It is a necessity for any responsible gun owner who wants the confidence and assurance of what they are legally and lawfully permitted to do in regard to gun ownership. New and novice firearm owners are encouraged to take the NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course prior to taking the SC SLED CWP Course.
Experienced Shooters
Marksman Firearm Academy is comprised of highly trained instructors. NRA Certified Pistol Instructors provide quality firearm training, maintain the NRA’s national standard for firearm training and further the purposes and objectives of the NRA. NRA Range Safety Officers are knowledgeable in general range rules and maintain safety and order on the firing line while at the shooting range. SC SLED CWP Instructors play an integral part of our training program by equipping responsible gun owners with the knowledge of gun laws and legislation in the State of South Carolina. We are committed to empowering, encouraging and educating all law-abiding citizens on how to legally and lawfully exercise their 2nd Amendment right to bear arms.
NRA Membership
Wear a suit of armor by becoming a member of the oldest civil rights organization. The National Rifle Association is nationally recognized and is a 24/7 defender of your firearm freedoms. By becoming a member, you automatically receive up to $7500 in free insurance benefits, your choice of a monthly magazine and a free gift. Ask our NRA Recruitment Specialist about membership fee discounts and special offers provided through the NRA. Protect your firearm freedoms and join today!
About Us
Derived from a military background, Marksman Firearm Academy was established in 2021 by Kimmanda Williams, a United States Army Veteran and NRA Distinguished Life Member. With a detailed background and knowledge in the use, manipulation and safe handling of firearms, Marksman Firearm Academy was compelled to share its experience and training with gun owners and future gun owners of the community. We believe it is an extreme necessity to become a responsible gun owner through proper and quality firearm training and paramount to have a working knowledge and understanding of the gun laws that govern our state if we intend carry responsibly.